ahhh yes... my stuff... this is my stuff. I will share it with you. You may not like my stuff but it's my stuff not yours....maybe someday we can make "our stuff" but for now its just my stuff....
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Well my bonenkai is over. Its always fun to go watch guys who are so stressed out in the office and never smile become drunk and act like complete idiots. I love it. We had a bonenkai last Friday night and yes as usual for any bonenkai everyone got a little too drunk. We had 4 parties until early morning. I think it was a little more extreme than most bonenkai in Japan. But I guess there was a lot of stress this year to shake off. Still its funny to watch these guys. I swear a lot of Japanese guys turn gay when they are drunk I don`t know. But they love to hug and touch. Its crazy!! American`s just love to fight when they are drunk... who knows I guess Japanese do too.
So I survived that and tomorrow is my last day at work. Finally I can take a couple weeks off. I will spend the whole time in Hokkaido. I plan to just eat and ski. Thats it. Yaki niku, sushi, Sapporo Ramen, and ski ski ski... however it looks like I will play a little tennis also. I decided not to go back to the US this year and stay here. My parents were here earlier this year so its ok I don`t go. Plus they are headed down to Mexico now for winter. So I no one to go home to anyway. My shopping is done and everything shipped. So I am good to go. I will wake up Christmas morning and go to the airport and fly out. So an early morning for me thats for sure. But excited to see friends waiting for me.
December has just flown by. I can`t believe it. Next year is going to be hell I think. But I will get into that later.
Merry Christmas,
Friday, December 05, 2008
Now the Christmas rush is on. I am doing a lot of shopping online and almost finished. Just a few more gifts and I am finally done. The big problem is the shipping costs I have to pay while living in Japan.... but nothing I can do about that. I am going to spend Christmas and New Years up in Hokkaido. So of coarse I am excited to go and eat some good food and see friends. I really need to just get a place up there. Someday.... Well I can`t wait to get my shopping done and relax the rest of the year. I also am really in the need of a break from work...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Finally.... the election is over!! I was getting so tired of the election news! I voted 3 weeks ago. I voted from Japan. Everyone asks me who I voted for. Well OBAMA! I was supporting him the whole time. So I am so happy he won. I am more happy Bush is almost out. I am tired of the current administration. Bush has had a lot to deal with 9/11 and the war. But I don`t agree with everything he has done. So change is good and Obama will be better..... (I hope).
I was at a meeting last Wednesday morning as the elections were going on in the US. I had my computer on and was watching the events live during the meeting. It was fun to watch. Maybe I should have concentrated on the meeting more....hehe.
Well the economy sucks and the auto industry sucks worse. My company and every other company in this industry is hating life. I can`t wait for this to be over and the economy to start to improve. Its been a tough year. I know many people who have lost jobs this year and been moved around. So its a terrible year. Today at work my boss told me I would be staying another year at least. So I am here another year. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I want to get home and play a little. On the other..... I have some things I wanted to do here but have not been successful so far. I have not been able to meet people I wanted to and have a personal issue which I must take care of here. So anyway..... its good to have more time to complete things. But I am sick of the Japan work ethic....hehe. I am not Japanese so its really tough on me sometimes... but its a good experience and I have learned a lot.
Well we have a new president and I am happy. OBAMA BABY!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I have been in Europe this past week and now finally back to the real world. I was in Sweden and Paris for work and some additional training. I had a good time but it was busy. We had a lot of workshops and training on different subjects from culture, leadership, management, and company policy and standards. It was a really good session.
One night we went to a resturant to cook a 7 coarse meal with a professional chef. It was a lot of fun. We drank so much beer and wine while making the meal we are all full by the time it was to eat. But here is a video of us preparing some of the meal. I of coarse can not be seen since I am holding the camera..... But you can see the chef who taught us everything. He had great English and a great personality!!
After we prepared it we ate it.... but first some Swedish drinking songs.... notice all the wine glasses on the table. We tried several different kinds of wine.... it became a very crazy night!!
Anyway lots of study and lots of drinking last week. By the way Paris was nice too.... I love the cheese!!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
On other news..... I heard from my office in the United States they were thinking of pulling me back there next year. They need me to come back and work on some issues. As the whole Automotive industry is doing terrible. So it looks like my stay in Nagoya may be coming to an end in a few months. I am a little torn. On one hand... I am tired of the hours and work environment here. On the other... I really love living in Japan. But my life has always been back and forth. So its not a good-bye and I expect I will be back possible in Nagoya in a few years. But still will be taking my summer vacations up in Hokkaido. So it looks like I need to quickly buy a condo in Sapporo so I have a place to take my summers and some winters....hehe.
Football season started and its the baseball playoffs. Basketball starts in a couple of week.s I always say October has the best weather, best food, and best sports!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I heard president Bush give his speech tonight about how the US is on the verge of a major economic disaster. Bush is the same guy who said just about 6 months ago that the US was not in a recession and it was just a little slowdown in the economy. I can`t believe it!! I think everyone in the US understood how bad things are. I am glad he finally figured it out just before everyone becomes dead broke. As you can tell I think the current administration is so wrong on so many things. Its been a terrible 8 years. I wish the election was tomorrow. It will feel good to vote and fire some of these people.
I checked my stocks yesterday and about died. I decided a few months ago not to watch them so much. So I just let them sit without watching them. I knew it would be bad but I had no idea how bad they had dropped. I can`t believe. I spent my lunchtime yesterday selling some of my investments which are almost shot. Its a good time to invest possibly thats true. But I found I lost so much on a few that I didn`t have the faith to leave them in. Others though I did leave. My retirement is also getting killed. I am tired of it. I am glad I am not in the US right now. I hope to be in Japan for at least another year or 2 years. I don`t want to go back to such a mess......
Sunday, September 14, 2008
It wasn`t even a good picture. Cloudy and I could hardly see it. So I guess I will be waiting until next spring. I think next year I will go early in the year in June. But I have a few weeks to go to some other places and hike around now. The fall is the best time. I am planning to go to Kyoto in November and see the fall leaves. I was at Osaka yesterday but the only hiking around I have found there is in the streets....hehe. So anyway next year. Even if the weather was good this year the night I was planning to go I had some sudden meetings and issues at work. I wasn`t able to leave my office until around 10 pm and I was dead tired. No way I could have drove to Fuji and climb that night. So any way, the best time of year is almost here so I am happy.
The US open was awsome this year. Andy Murray finally was able to reach a finals. Although he lost I usually cheer for the underdog in any sports. Even when they are playing my team sometimes. I like the story of a team or player that is expected to lose and come out and triumph. Its always good in sports... Nagoya is still hot and humid. This year was by far worse than last year. I am looking forward to some crisp cool mornings to play tennis. I am also looking forward to turning off my air conditioner and opening the windows. Maybe in a couple weeks. I see the convenient stores have oden and niku man back so the season must be getting here soon...hehe.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Well I went to my first physical here in Japan. I have been to hospitals sick and such but this was a first for me. It was a little crazy for me. This was a company sponsored physical. So basically the clinic seemed to do just physicals for company employees. It was more like a health factory or physical factor instead of a health clinic. I mean there were a ton of people in line going from one station to the other. Basically we stripped down and put a robe one. Then went and did a series of tests. They tested almost every basic thing. I mean they checked my urine, my poop. my stomach, my lungs, my blood, my eyes, my ears, blood pressure and heart beat and other things. I have never done so much. A little different in the US. But the biggest difference is when they checked my stomach. I had to drink that white thick mixture of something that tastes like glue so they could check my stomach. It was terrible!!! Anyway.... pretty interesting to say the least. But all in all I think it was a good check. I don`t get any results for maybe at least a month. The funny thing is that I return to the US next week and have a physical scheduled with my family doctor.... so I guess I get two this year.... but its ok. Actually it will be interesting to compare. But my family doctor knows all about me and personally knows my medical history. Its a very different system in the US. So I am always more comfortable going to him.
Well even though I have not received my results yet I know one thing.... I got to stop eating ice cream....hehe.
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Its been a week now but still can`t get over the Wimbledon finals. What a match!! I was really happy to Nadal finally beat Federer on something other than clay. He has really improved his game this year. So I think more good matches are to follow for these two.
I was able to take my ball machine to the court today and hit some balls for a couple hours. It was so hot I thought I was going to die. I can`t beleive the heat today. But it felt good to finally get and and do something.
The last 2 weeks have been really busy and I think I have put in a new record for hours worked. I put in almost a full week of straight 16 hour days. I have worked the last 2 weekends and today finally today had a day off. So I was able to just relax and get some things done around the house. I think this hell should be over in the next couple of days and maybe just maybe my life can get back to normal... (whatever normal is these days...)
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I spent last week back in America. It was a good trip. I went to San Francisco and then up to Utah to work out of my office there. It was really nice to just get away for a few days down in San Francisco. My 11 year old son is at Stanford at a tennis academy this summer. So I saw him briefly. He is playing well and I guess I am now officially living my dream through him. It is always fun to watch him play. But as a parent I find myself getting too involved during matches. I think I get more stressed out watching him than he does playing...hehe. Its a fun time. I miss him now. I will see him again near the end of August when I go back. I really miss him.
I then went up to Utah and had a good time working out of my office for a few days. It actually felt like a vacation being able to go home at a good time. I forgot what it was like to have more time at night. It was really nice.
America was hot and dry. I loved it. Everyone was complaining how hot it was but I thought the dry weather felt so good. I just wanted to be outside and it didn`t feel so hot to me. But now I am back in Nagoya and its raining, hot, and humid. Terrible weather!! I don`t like this humid rainy weather.
Coming home was interesting. At the airport in Salt Lake the airplane was delayed. My seat was in the very back and for some reason we were not taking off. The flight attendant came and knocked on the restroom door which was right behind me on the plane. She asked the person inside if they were ok and told her to quickly take her seat as the airplane needed to take off. Well we waited and waited for this person to come out of the restroom so we could take off. Then the door opened and a girl and guy came out together. Smoke also came out. I was shocked as were many other people who saw this. I wondered what they were doing in there together. Then I noticed smoke coming out of the restroom. They were in there smoking crack. I could not believe it! The police came on board the plane and arrested them right there. They then searched the restroom and found the crack and lighter and pipe. I was shocked. How did they get all that on the plane??? Were is the security?? So we were delayed for almost an hour because of this drama. We finally took off and as we landed in San Francisco the flight attendant asked all the passengers if they enjoyed the drama in Salt Lake. He then told everyone to "just say no to drugs". It was funny. But I almost missed my flight to Nagoya. I was running in the airport to my plane. Luckily they held the plane until I got there. So a little crazy but actually really scary that people could sneak that through the tight security. Really scary!! It shows that really things still are not safe. I have flown a lot but this was by far the biggest shocking thing I have seen in a long long time.
Well its Sunday night. Tomorrow hell starts all over again....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Well here it is June and I have no idea where the time is going... I just know its flying. I kind of wish it would just slow down... I guess my work has been so crazy I have not had time for anything. I work and come home and work and go to bed. But its better than having nothing to do thats for sure.
Friday I am headed back to the US on a business trip. I will be gone for a week. Its always good because I can just stay at my house and sleep in my bed and each lots of Mexican food which I miss!! I will fly out on Friday and first make a stop in San Francisco. My son is at a tennis acadamy at Stanford. So I get to see him there which will be fun. Then back to Utah for the rest of the weekend and work from my Utah desk the rest of the week before coming back to Japan. Anyway, it will be busy but a nice break.
The weather is getting more and more hot and humid everyday. That hot and wet terrible time of the year is around the corner. I hate the wet humid weather!!
Well on Sunday I will get to play at my house and play with some of my toys so I am excited for that at least. Its always nice to be home.. But Nagoya is growing on me more and more each day.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Its been a crazy 3 weeks. I have been sick on and off since golden week. I can`t believe it. I got the stomach flu and got over that. Then got the flu and just got over that. Flu season should be over I thought. Anyway now I am feeling better. Last week was hell at work. I was too busy to even take a day off to try and get better. Instead I found myself going in at around 6 am everyday and getting home around 10:30 pm. I just can`t understand the working mentality here. I mean there are guys in my office who have kids that never see them. They act like its no big deal. Its like here you get a job and your only responsibility as a father or husband is to just work your ass off and bring home the money. Its very crazy. I talk to people all over the world in other parts of Asia and Europe and they all feel the same. Japan may be a really nice country but the work mentality is terrible. I love Japan. I love it here. But the environment of work has got to be the worst environment / culture I have ever experienced. Its funny because Japanese guys in my own office admit this fact and think its true. Yet in some other sense they are almost proud of it. Its just something no matter how long I live here I will ever become completely used to. But its not just the hours. Thats one thing. Everyone everywhere works overtime. Its the way of working I think most don`t understand. A country that thrives on technology still somehow thrives on processes and standards that are full of red tape and basically bogs down the employee into doing things that really at the end of the day just do not matter so much. I can`t count how many useless reports I have been asked to create which only get put in some file. Meanwhile the most important work becomes incomplete. Anyway I could go on and on. Many people tell me to stop complaining. I am not really complaining. I am happy I am here. This is where I want to be right now. I just feel like though its a real sacrifice of other interests and basically life in general at times. I have no time to do anything else which I don`t like because I am a person who likes to get out and experience many things. But working here gets you so bogged down its impossible. Yet I have worked for other companies in Japan which I guess were not so stressful. I think the Automotive industry in general is the cause. Its a very stressful industry to work for. Yet I love it. I love this industry because I guess I love cars....hehe. So in the end I like what I am doing.. just wish I had more "Todd Time"....hehe
The weather in Nagoya is getting very warm. My allergies have started up. So I am on all kinds of medication for my cold and allergies... kind of crazy. But nice to be able to open the windows and enjoy the fresh air.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Golden week has come and gone. I had a good time. Too good of a good time. I spent some time in Osaka, Hiroshima, Takayama, and then Hokkaido. Most of my time was up in Hokkaido. My parents came over to Japan and we traveled up there to see some old friends. I spent a couple days in Otaru and Sapporo. It was good and the food was EXCELLENT!!
I didn`t want to leave of coarse. But thats life. The weather was hot in Hokkaido. Really rare for this time of year. Well I got back to my home in Nagoya and the first night back started having some stomach pains. I ended up in bed for 2 days. I finally got some energy and went to see a doctor. Basically he told me I had been running around too much with too little sleep. Well he is right. I hardly slept and was going on a fast pace the whole 10 days during Golden week. My parents were on the same pace as me but they were fine. I guess I I drank too much coke and kind of played too hard. Anyway, so I spend 2 days dead in bed. I had to take some time off work when I got back. So today I finally was able to return to work and I was tired!! Its been too long away. It actually felt good being back in the office. I could kind of relax. My parents have returned home now and so things are quiet again. It was fun and golden as I said.....
Now I am ready for summer break!!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Its been a while... finally its golden week... ahhh I needed this bad.
I spend the last few days in Osaka with some friends and had a really good time but didn`t get a lot of sleep.... Wow the night life there is really good... maybe too good.
I got back to Nagoya last night. Tomorrow I am just going to relax and the day after I am heading back to Hokkaido for 5 days. So I will hang out in Sapporo and Otaru. So I am looking forward to meeting some old friends!! Anyway.. its a busy week and I am going to be really tired getting back to work next week. But I plan to enjoy these next few days...
The weather is good and the food is better. Its a good week... if I can avoid all the bad traffic it will be perfect!!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Well its Tuesday night. I can`t sleep. I am heading home back to Japan tomorrow. Its been a crazy week. I have had a lot of personal things to take care of and had some hard good byes as well. A girl that has been very special in my life is gone. We were very close and she will always have a special place in my heart. It has been a little difficult on me personally. But life moves on. Now its time to go back and face my own reality again. I don`t want to get too deep here. I just have had a week of doing a lot of reflecting and looking back at some very good memories (some bad memories also). There are only a few people who have touched me so deep as to say I truely love them. Although I will miss her I am thankful for the time we shared. I will stop there.
I did work from Utah this week and it was nice for this also. I forgot how easy it is to work from the US. But like everything its time to go back. I guess I am looking forward to some good food back in Japan.
Well kind of a lame post but I will update when I get back.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
It will be good to be home for a short time though. Its going to be busy and crazy but still good to see the family and friends and sleep in my bed. I miss my king size bed!
Well my notebook battery is going to die any minute so its time to check out. I will update later.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Its almost impossible to get by these days without a coke. I can`t believe it. But I guess its no different than coffee. But yea not good for you thats for sure. Still..... its my comfort food. I think most people have a food they consider their comfort food. I guess mine is diet coke and chocolate.... hmmm......hehe.
So while I now drink my coke zero at least the weather is warming up and the cherry blossoms are out. I am going back to the United States in 2 weeks for some business. So I will have at least a week of drinking a fountain diet coke...... wow I really miss that.... I know it sounds crazy. So coke and mexican food.... as much as I can get while there!!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
It feels like spring is getting closer and closer now. I guess this week it officially starts. The weather in Nagoya has been very nice lately and I have not needed all my heaters on in the house so much. Its been kind of a crazy couple of weeks for me. I got a phone call from my sister telling me one of my good friends died suddenly of at heart attack. I was shocked of coarse. He is my age. He is divorced and leaves behind 3 wonderful boys. So it was really shocking for me. I wanted to go back and support the family but its impossible with my schedule. So I kept in contact by phone and email. He funeral was last week. I was told it was very good and his oldest son who is 13 sang "Danny Boy" which I am sure he did great. He dad was an excellent singer and actually sang at my wedding when I was married. So music is in the family.
So that was some bad news. Another dear friend who is fighting cancer seems to be handing in there. Basically the doctors told her there is nothing they can do for her. So is doing some very aggressive treatments right now that makes her very sick. But she is hanging in there and I hope to get back and see her soon. I fear I may not make it on time. The whole situation is just sad though. Knowing the most likely outcome of the cancer is something that is just difficult to accept for anyone.
So with all that news lately its nice to just walk outside during spring when the weather is warmer and the sky seems brighter. Its refreshing.
Other than that nothing new. Just busy working and really wanting a break. Golden week can`t come soon enough. So I just need to hang in there until then.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
I watched the Academy Awards Monday night on TV. It was live on WOWOW Monday morning but I had to work. So no chance. I came home Monday night and found it would be on again. So I was happy to watch it. I can`t believe now how much I have missed as far as the movie scene in the US. I didn`t know any of the movies that were up for an award. It surprised me. Man!! Where have I been?? I guess Japan is really behind when it comes to a lot of movies. I think Japan pretty much gets the large blockbusters but not the average show I guess. Anyway, I was a little disappointed I didn`t know anything about the movies. So I have a lot of catching up to do when I get back to America.
I may go back to the U.S. in a couple weeks so I hope to see some. The problem is I may have to go with a Japanese colleague here. So that sucks because although I would go back to Utah and stay at my house, I would still have to baby sit him and take care of him. He is the type of guy that will just expect me to take care of him over the weekend. I have lots of family and friends and a few people I need to see during that time but I guess I will have to drag him along.... my ball and chain I guess!!
Lately I have been so frustrated at doing business here. I think now more than ever I am really understanding the different approaches Japanese and American`s take in business. It frustrates me to have to have so many long detailed discussions to solve a problem. American`s generally just do something and go from there. But here everything has to be drawn on a white board and discussed then get someone elses approval and discuss and then another persons approval and discuss before any action is taken. A 4 hour discussion would be over in 20 minutes in America. I am not saying thats wrong. I am only saying from my perspective as an American it frustrates me. Still I see a lot of merit in how business is approached here. Still it just frustrates me a little. But I guess when in Rome......
Monday, February 11, 2008
While it snowed all day Saturday, Sunday was sunny and by Sunday late afternoon it was almost all melted. So that was a quick winter..... Meanwhile, back home in Utah I hear they are having the winter from hell. I think this is the most snow they have had on record. I heard even some ski resorts had to close because of too much snow... Thats hard to believe but I guess its true. I picked a bad year to be here. I think skiing must be the best its ever been.
Anyway, once Feburary starts I am always getting ready for spring. I don`t really like the spring but like the warmer weather and being able to go outside without a coat. Especially after Valentines day. After Valentines I feel like winter is really over and spring is on its way. In another 4 weeks maybe the weather will be a little warmer and people will be a little brighter as well.... including me! But now its tax time and this year is a pain doing taxes from Japan. So once thats over I will really be ready for spring.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
I have been on my deathbed now for the past few days. I have been so sick. I guess I got the flu. I thought I was doing good but nope..... Anyway... finally today I am feeling a little better. I guess I was so busy last week and this week I never really had time to rest and get better.
Anyway... so I am really far behind on everything. My job, my emails, my work I do from home, my homepage, my life...hehe. Now I guess I get to try and start catching up. Man its been crazy!
So I watched some of the elections today on TV. Its getting interesting. I am kind of an Obama guy. People have been asking who I like. Well so far him. He is fresh and the US really needs some fresh air!! So we will see how it goes. But I like watching the election races. Today is super tuesday. I think someone on the republican side may take it. But the democrates are still up in the air.
I guess I can get up now and start catching up...
Thursday, January 31, 2008
I have been in Tsukuba all week this week. Its been terrible. I caught a cold and have basically been not feeling good all week. Now I am in my hotel and so tired and sick I just can`t sleep. Its been a crazy week! At least tomorrow is Friday and I can relax over the weekend. I really need this weekend. But I wish I was in the states this weekend. Its Superbowl Sunday this weekend and that means football and lots of food!! But I guess I get to watch the big game for an hour Monday morning live before I have to go to work. So if its a close game that its going to be really tough to go to work...hehe.
I am in the middle of reworking my english homepage. Its been a pain and I lost so much data on my computer a few weeks ago I have been trying to retrieve everything and get all my information back the way it was. I hope to have it done or near done before the end of the weekend. We will see..... its just been crazy!!!
The weather here in Tsukuba is beautiful. But I have been too sick to even really enjoy it. So maybe I can get some sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow. Who knows.....
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I went to Hokkaido for the holidays. I had a really good time! I stayed at some friends house. We ended up doing a lot of eating, skiing, shopping, and watching movies. It was just what I needed. But I think I ate too much. I forget how good the food is there! Also how easy it is to get around and just live. I really miss it there.
I went skiing a few times. There was a big snow storm the day after I arrived so the snow was excellent the while time. Great skiing!! So I had a good time. I wanted to see so many people but just got too busy playing...hehe.
I then got back here and work the first week was hell! I have been so busy ever since with new projects starting up. But its going ok. Just too busy.
Then last week my computer died. I had to to back up everything and do a recovery. It took me almost 2 days to complete it because I didn`t have a lot of time. But finally got it all done. So now my system is running good as new. So its been crazy but good. Now I am back to reality. It sucks. I am really ready for another break. But I guess thats a while down the road again. I did get some news my parents are coming over during golden week to see me. That will be nice. So I guess they will stay a week with me and then go up to Hokkaido to be with some friends up there. It will be fun to show them Nagoya. They don`t know this area at all.
Well thats it for now. I am back unfortunately....hehe. But did get refreshed and ate tons of good food!!