March is gone and April is here. Where did the time go?? Of coarse at work and facebook. But I am so happy spring is finally here and I guess now spring is about gone. The Cherry blossoms in Nagoya were really beautiful this year. Here is a picture just out front of my office.
Nagoya is warm now and this weekend was fantastic!! So the cherry blossoms are now all just about gone and green leafs are replacing them. The good weather is here. But I guess this means the rainy and humid weather is just around the corner. Such are the seasons.
I drove to Osaka today to visit Costco and pick up some food. Its a long drive but nothing else to do today and I missed my food...hehe. So it was a good drive. I hate Sunday nights but I guess I can be positive and say at least another weekend is just 5 days away.
Last Friday riding my bike home from work I was hit but a small Nippon Express delivery van. I got a little hurt and my bike was in bad condition. The van was in much worse condition. But I was lucky. Just sore muscles and 2 cut up hands and a scratched face. But I will live. I didn`t even have my helmet on and my head and shoulder flew right into the windshield of the van and broke it. So a little crazy and I was more scared about the van than anything. But the guy was nice. We both were at fault. So after I realized I wasn`t dead and we looked over my bike and his van we decided to not call the police and I called for some help. So it was a bad night. I spend Saturday fixing my bike and I think we are good to go. This time... with a helmet. The last time I was hit by a car on a bike was in Otaru 10 years ago. I have now been hit 4 times on a bike all in Japan...WOW!!!