This damn weather in Nagoya is making life terrible. I am sick of the hot humid weather. Next month I am going back to Utah for a couple weeks. I am so looking forward to some nice dry heat. The weather there is around 37 degrees but its dry. You just need to keep drinking fluids but otherwise it feels much better than the humid weather in Nagoya. This rainy weather just doesn`t seem to end.
My parents are having the 50th wedding anniversary on 8/14. My 3 sisters and I are planning a big party which has been taking a lot of my time. I am putting together a 50 year memory slide show with a lot of pictures from the last 50 years of their married life. Its been fun to see all the pictures and I have been able to relive a lot of good memories. Its been very special. So I am excited to get there and be with them during this time. We have having a family picture taken also. Our family is now 32 people large. Crazy!!
Another crazy thing is a new album that has been released here in the states from a girl that well let`s just say I was good friends with in high school. She is one of my best memories of the 80s...hehe. I listened to it and it sound really good. I may post some more information later. I am not trying to sell CDs for her but was impressed.
Well thats it for now... its raining.... of coarse!!