I guess there is nothing I can do about it... we are all getting older. But hey... thats life right?? Well here I am in the big 40s... kind of crazy!! But I did have an ok day... I mean I got to work a long day and come home and sleep... pretty exciting Birthday... at least BeeBee gave me a kiss!! hehe.
I have had a lot of people at my work ask me what I liked to watch in the Olympics. I really enjoyed women's soccer. (Or football if you are outside the US). Women's soccer in the US is really popular. We usually have a strong team and hey some of the players are pretty cute!! It was nice to see them beat Japan. I watched the women's world cup a couple of years ago and watched Japan beat the US in penalty kicks. It sucked... So it was nice to see them win this time.
But Japan played a nice game and are really respected in the states. I was asked so many times if I was cheering for Japan or the US... OF COARSE THE US!!! I am American!! But there is a small place in my heart for the Japanese team... thats true.
Now the Olympics are over its time for American FOOTBALL!! I am so excited this year I can actually watch the full season in the states. The last 5 years I have had to watch in the middle of the night or early early morning because of the time change. So this year I am getting ready. Actually I am going down to get me a new TV to really enjoy it... 60 inches of pure joy!! I guess at my age being home thats basically my joy....hehe. But I am happy to have friends come over to party during the game...!!
Go Broncos!!