Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wow.... all I can say is wow. I can`t believe what has happened in the past 48 hours. I am in Nagoya and luckily not in center of the area that was hit hard. But still we got a few really good jolts and I really got my attention. I was supposed to be in Ibaraki that day but decided not to go the last minute. I am glad I stayed here in Nagoya.

My heart goes out to Japan and especially those in the North East. I have some family up North and a lot of friends up there in the Sendai / Fukushima area. So I have spent the last couple of days contacting everyone I know. I also have family near there and have been able to confirm they are all ok. But getting through is tough.

Thanks everyone around the world for checking in on me. I am fine and just watching now with great interest how things unfold now. I just pray for those who have lost ones and have lost everything. I hope they get some comfort soon. Japan will have a lot of support around the globe to help them get through this challenge. Its going to be a long time before anything gets back to what would seem even a little normal.

Thanks everyone and cheers.

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