Monday, December 05, 2005

I was out last week in Mexico for business. It was a trip from hell.... First my hotel in Monterrey was canceled. I have no idea why someone from my company called my hotel in Monterrey and canceled my hotel. When I find out who it was I will kill them...hehe

I got there late and they told me my room was canceled. Plus... They were booked. So no rooms available. It was 11:30pm. I had no hotel and no money. I could not exchange any money because it was too late. So I had the hotel desk clerk call and find me another hotel. We found one that was 20 minutes away. It was a hotel I have never heard of. Not an international hotel so I was worried. Then I had to get in a Taxi and go to the hotel knowing I had no money to pay the taxi. On the way to the hotel I told the driver I had no money. He stopped and told me to get out! I told him lets find an ATM. So we drove around to some convenience stores and I finally found one. I was able to get money and make my driver happy. Then he finally took me to the hotel.

The hotel was not very nice and I could not trust the water. So it was a bad night. The rest of the trip went ok until it was time to come home. I found out my return airline tickets had the wrong date on them. I was unable to leave Mexico until a day later. So I had to find another hotel in Mexico city and stay the night. I was really upset. I finally got home and now I am sick. I caught something in Mexico and could not return to work...

Its been so crazy.... I fly to Japan in 2 days and I really don't want to get back on another airplane.... but thats life!!
So I hope this trip isn't like the last one..... I can't wait for the holidays... I need a break!!!


peridoty said...

Wow! You had a really bad luck in Mexico... I haven't had that bad experiences. I hope you're getting better. Also, I really hope that you'll have a peaceful time in Japan! Hokkaido is waiting for you! Hang in there!

Howdy said...

Hi, Peridoty, Kaoru, and Honydevil,

Thanks for the great messages. Also thanks for cheering me up!! I will leave in a few mintues to the airport. So I hope that I can have a good trip. I am looking forward to Hokkaido but not looking forward to my business trip in Tokyo because of some hard meetings that I don't want to attend. However, I will eat a lot of good food...
I look forward to coming back and telling you about the trip in our next lesson...
Take Care and Keep in Touch..!!