ahhh yes... my stuff... this is my stuff. I will share it with you. You may not like my stuff but it's my stuff not yours....maybe someday we can make "our stuff" but for now its just my stuff....
Friday, December 21, 2007
I talked with my family this morning and they all seem to be ready for Christmas. Kids are getting excited in America and companies are now basically closed for the holidays. I can`t believe its almost a year now since I moved here. Where did the time go?? If I can hang in there this next year I may actually survive.
I had a friend send me this link. http://glumbert.com/wii/view.php?name=baddayoffice I totally relate to some of these guys in the office...hehe. Well maybe not to that extent but I think we have all had times where we are ready to throw the computer out the window!! I have and sometimes I wish I could throw my boss out the window with the computer....hehe.
The collage football bowl season is now underway also. I am missing the games... My University won their game last night so thats one good sports story for me this year. I have been saying all along it was a terrible year for my teams... maybe it will end on a good note.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Its been a little while since I last updated here. I haven`t gone anywhere. Its just been a crazy week filled with some complex emotions. I lost a really good friend a couple months ago. He was hunting and got hit by lightning while sleeping in his tent. It was tragic.
I got word last week another dear and precious friend has cancer. This is a very big shocker for me. I grew up with her and she has always been a very big part of my life. A very important part of my life. It appears she has some cancer around a major artery. Its impossible to operate and it looks like all treatment has had not effect. She is very sick just from the treatment. Last week the doctors and specialists told her she had maybe 8 to 15 months to live. It tore a hole in my heart. I am kind of in a situation where I really want to go home now. She is very close to my family so they are with her almost daily. But its tough. There is a saying that when one person has cancer the whole family gets cancer. I think I can understand this now. Its getting very tough on everyone. So its just really a hard time right now for me. I haven`t had the energy to do much. I am going to work and basically just hanging in there from day to day. No motivation. I am not sure what my motivation would be right now. To be honest anyone who knows me knows I have had some serious bad luck in the past with a few things in life. The last few years have been really good. But life is like a roller coaster. It goes up and down and the ride ends too quick. One thing is that I have been really close to my parents especially as of late. So this has been a blessing in my life I am so thankful for. Anyway, don`t want to get too deep here. Just opening up a little. But that is as far as it goes.....
Well the holidays are around the corner. I really want to go back to the US now but won`t. I will stay here and go up to Hokkaido and try to relax and forget some things. Life is tough I guess but life it life. Everyone has a drama. Anyway all in all I am doing good and have really enjoyed the fall weather in Japan. Really beautiful!!
Monday, December 03, 2007
Well my Monday is over and I can`t believe the weekend and Monday is now over. But it feels good to have Monday over. On Saturday I drove down outside Toyota city with some people and picked mandarin oranges. It was the first time I have ever done anything like that. It took almost an hour to get there. I was there for a few hours and left. We picked and picked all day. The person who owned the little farm was a friend of one of my friends. Therefore a friend of a friend. Actually we had a pretty good time. I ended up bring back with me around 90 lbs of oranges. I have no idea what I am going to do with all these. Last night I took some over to my next door neighbors house. Then I took some to the local church to give to members.
It reminds me of about 7 years ago I was living in Hokkaido. I got pulled over in the middle of the night coming home. I think it was about 1 or 2 am. I am driving up a hill to my apartment and all of a sudden a cop with some bright orange vest and lights jumps out right in front of me. It scared me to death!! So I pull ed over. He asks for my drivers license. I didn`t have any id on me. I could not believe it. He asked me to come in the little station (koban). We sat down and he took all my information. I was very sorry and a little scared. I wondered what he was going to do. I have had a couple really bad experiences with cops in Japan in my younger years. So I wondered. But he told me I needed to bring all my documents to him by the next morning or I was going to be in trouble.
So the next morning I got up early and went and bought some oranges. I took my documents to him and gave him the oranges and said sorry. He just quickly looked at my things and told me to take care. I was so relieved. So maybe my good gesture of the oranges was the right thing to do...hehe. So in my experience... giving oranges away can really help you out!! So I have plenty of oranges to give to cops or whoever. I guess I should eat a few also... actually I have been eating them like crazy since Saturday. I am already almost sick of them. Anyway a great day and lots of fun. I will do it next year for sure. Its just good to get out and do something you have never done before and meet some people. I guess I need to do these kinds of things more often.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I spent another day of meetings in Tsukuba. I am writing this as I ride the shikansen back from Tokyo. I am getting almost sick of this ride. I would be completely dead without my ipod and computer. So here I sit. Today`s lucky car is #5. I am in row 16 seat C which is an aisle seat. The car is full and the guy next to me is asleep. The couple on the other side of the aisle are both playing with their cell phones. Some of these people you could write a story about just by looking at them. I see another couple of women who obviously are coming back from Tokyo Disneyland. They have their souviners and even some Tokyo Bananas. Somehow I think they had more fun that I did today.
I was actually going to go to Disneyland over the weekend. However, some sudden work popped up and I found myself in Yokohama and Tokyo. So a crazy weekend to say the least. But it was ok. The weather was so beautiful that I couldn`t help but be in a little good mood. Plus after riding the trains to and from Tokyo I am very very glad I didn`t go. It would have been completely crazy full of people. But I am not sure if there is a time that Tokyo Disneyland isn`t crazy full of people.
On other news it appears I am getting affected by the prime loan issue in the United States. My house and everything is safe since I didn`t take out some crazy loan like many people did. However I got notice that my house and condo and other properties I own are having the property taxes adjusted. It appears the values have now decreased a little. Its fine to pay less taxes but I hate to see the property depreciate. I know it won`t last forever……. But I think it could get more painful for a lot of people…
Well I guess I will eat my bento and try to relax for an hour before I get to Nagoya…
Happy Trails,,,
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yesterday a colleague who works with me told me he didn`t understand why American`s eat turkey on thanksgiving and he didn`t think turkey would even taste good. I tried to explain the tradition behind turkey but he refused to try and understand. To him it was just another commercial holiday. So it kind of upset me to think that here is a guy from Japan who is telling me from America that our holiday makes no sense and we should change it. I almost wanted to punch him! Then he had the nerve to start talking about Christmas in Japan.... don`t even start there... I am seeing Christmas things all over Japan now. I think its cool. But I also think Christmas is kind of hollow here. I mean Japan really has the commercial aspect of Christmas down. I see sales, and Christmas trees, and Santa`s all over. But it will never really capture the true feeling of Christmas that Western Countries (Christian Countries) have. It just can`t. But it can do what its good at and commercialize it and give a boost to the economy. But really the holiday has no meaning here. So my colleague who started trying to tell me about Christmas really started to get under my skin. I looked at him and told him to shut-up because he had no idea what he was talking about and I left the room. Hum.... I guess it was too direct to say but give me a break! Him trying to tell me what Christmas is about is like me trying to tell him what obon is about. Our perceptions just can`t capture the real meaning or spirit behind the holiday. Anyway... enough of that... I have calmed down now....hehe.
So Happy Thanksgiving everyone and if turkey sounds bad and you can`t understand why American`s would even eat it then go to KFC or McDonald's. Have a coke and a smile!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
While Wednesday is maybe my second most un-favorite day of the week, its hump day. So thats always nice to know. Lately the weather has been so nice in Nagoya. Its cold at night but the days are cool and crisp. Just how I like it. Football weather!! But its weird to be watching games on Monday morning before I go to work. So someday it will be nice again to lay on the sofa on a Sunday afternoon and watch a good football game. I guess those days are at least a couple years away. So for now its watching football games early Monday morning while I am still half asleep and then trying to get enough motivation to get out the door and over to work. I really need a vacation...hehe. At least new years is getting close. I debated to go back to America for a couple weeks or go up to Hokkaido. Hokkaido won this time. So I will head up there for a little over a week and stay with some friends and just relax and eat the excellent food up there. So I am looking forward to that.
Well I guess its time to find my motivation to get out the door and over to work.... joy. I don`t love Wednesday but at least its hump day and after today downhill until the weekend.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Well October is gone and already November. Still love the weather here in Nagoya this time of year. Really beautiful!! I was looking around itunes last night and found a new album from a band I really loved in high school. The group is called "The Church". I couldn`t believe it. I listened to a few of the new songs and was sold. It really brought me back like 20 years. I can`t believe how time flies. I looked at the picture of the band and they are so much older now. It really made me feel old. I haven`t heard anything from them in maybe 15 years. But their sound was amazing. They sounded just like I remember them and the new album was awesome!! I ended up downloading the songs. So I spent the night listening to them and kind of just relaxing.
I have had a cold for over a week now. I have tried to hold off going to any doctor but its getting worse. So I may end up going tomorrow morning if I feel the same. I think I kind of have a week immune system or something because when I get sick I always get pretty sick and usually take longer than a lot of people to get back on top. Anyway I am still alive. Just some serious congestion and headaches.
Well the Dragons pulled it out and won. I was happy. Finally a team I am cheering for is winning. This is a bad year for my sports teams.... Did I say that already?? Well its true! Next year is only 2 months away... I hope its a better year for my teams.
Monday, October 29, 2007
I had a few emails this week about my opinion on the Nova issue here in Japan. I worked for Nova many years ago in Otaru when I was about 22 and 23. I was not a full time employee. Actually, I was working in another private English school at the time when I was suddenly contacted by Nova to help them out. They had only 1 forienger in their school at that time and that person was quitting. So they needed a “gaijin” to be in their school until someone else was hired on. So I decided to work there as well. I already knew some of the management there.
At that time Nova was pretty much the king of English conversation schools in Japan. I found Nova to have a lot of money and a lot of resources. This was much different than teaching at a smaller private school. But my experience there wasn`t good or bad. I guess just typical. The school pretty much treated its teachers like a piece of meat. It was impossible to take a day off. The rules were very strict and just pretty much not flexible at all. But I found this same situation at a lot of schools. At that time I felt it was a little too much at Nova. Looking back I am not so sure. But I do know that the school did have issues with the way it treats its teachers. I know many teachers who were very disrespected and treated a little harshly. I also know teachers who loved the experience. Basically for me I felt they didn’t treat the teachers very good. Also, from the very beginning、 I didn’t like the pricing strategy there. I had many many students who were a little stressed out over their strategy. But I wouldn’t say they were much more expensive than other schools. Just the way they charged for lessons was a little different. But many schools have copied that same system. So all in all I thought my experience in Nova wasn’t good or bad.
Do I think the school is effective in teaching English and getting people to improve their English?? YES! But I say this because I think anytime a person has a chance to speak with a native speaker and learn and practice their English with someone who has natural speaking ability is necessary. So going to Nova and speaking and learning from someone who has native speaking ability will improve your English. But other schools do the same. My point it just being able to speak and learn from someone with native speaking ability will improve your English. Nova’s learning system was no better than other systems at some other schools in my opinion. But if you are comfortable in their system that is good. Students need to be comfortable. I think that’s important. So Nova as a school in my opinion is really no different than other schools. Just that it had money and resources.
But one difference as of late….. bad, dishonest, and greedy management. This is what is killing the school. (There are other issues too.) This is the sad fact. Nova provides a good service. But the way it has been providing it is very selfish in my opinion. It’s sad and frustrating to see a company who gets too greedy and forgets who the customer is.
How do you feel about the teachers now at Nova? How do you feel about their qualifications? As for the teachers of Nova, I feel sorry for them. They have been treated completely unfairly lately from the company. Some of the stories I am hearing are unfair. But in a sense I am not so surprised because that is kind of the nature of the business. But I think everyone eventually will be ok. I don’t think too many Nova teachers made a career out of teaching there. In my experience it was kind of a place people would work for a couple years at the most and then continue on in life with something else or somewhere else. But that’s just my opinion. I still feel sorry for the people who haven’t been paid and now find themselves in a foreign country without and money and job. I think the outcome of this can’t be very good. So I hope some good decisions are made quickly for everyone. As far as qualifications, I make no comment. Some teachers in Japan are there to teach. Some are there to earn a quick buck. Nova`s teachers are no different than teachers in many other schools. But not all schools are the same.
Someone asked me in an email the other day if I felt Nova is really needed these days? My first reply is yes. I think they are needed. There are many people who still desire and need to improve their English schools. English as a global language is very important. There are English language school in the United States that helps Native speakers with their pronunciation and accents. Many people are surprised to hear this. But it’s true. This is because there is a desire even in native speaking countries for people to improve their communication skills. So anyway if you have confidence in your English and feel you don`t need to improve then I guess you don`t need to worry about it. If you feel you want to improve or need to improve of just have a hobby of studying English, then yes language schools are needed.
So now I hope I have answered all the questions. Its an intersting topic which I am happy to discuss anytime since I am working and interesting in teaching English.
Now on to Sports.... Rockies lost...!! $#&%!! But the Red Sox are too strong. I think they have a really good chance to win again next year.
For tonight... GO DRAGONS !!!
Saturday, October 27, 2007
World Series.... GO ROCKIES... ! (The have never won and they are the underdog... I have to cheer for them. )
For Japan Series... GO DRAGONS... ! (They lost last year. Plus I now live in Nagoya so I have to cheer for them). BUT... my heart is in Hokkaido... just not with the fighters right now. So sorry to all my friends and family in Hokkaido. Don`t worry... my heart is "dosanko" all the way!!
So now I have made it clear who I am cheering for. On other sports my football team "Denver Broncos" are doing completely terrible this year. I guess its a good year to be in Japan away from the sport this year since they suck so bad. NBA starts up in a couple of weeks and I am very interested to watch my team "Utah Jazz". I really hope they at least repeat whe they did last year. So anyway the sports are in high gear and lots to keep track of... Its hard to concentrate at work. I am checking live sports scores as much as I can.... hehe. Don`t tell anyone!!!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I got some terrible news yesterday a dear friend has passed away. I am shocked. He was hunting in the mountains and got hit by lightning. It was very sudden. It just breaks my heart. He has a wife and 3 children. So it got me thinking about how precious this time really is. The death of a friend or family always get you thinking deep. But this really is such a tragedy and I have been thinking the last couple days about this. It makes me homesick too !!!
Then I hear about a stabbing death of a little 7 year old girl here in Japan. She was stabbed in the chest and stomach. I can’t believe it. What is going on in the world that people are stabbing little children. I wish I could have 10 minutes in a room with the guy who did this. If there ever was a case to support the death penalty its now. I can’t believe we have such sick people walking around the streets. I also can’t believe the amount of violent crimes held against innocent children in Japan. I hear so much of this news it makes me sick. Why here? I feel like I hear more of this in Japan than in the United States. I am sure it happens everywhere. But it seems to be on the news a lot here. Still I know there are sick people in every country. It just depresses me a little.
Well enough of the dark stuff….. the weather is nice and fall food is awesome!! I am eating oden from 7/11 almost once a week now….hehe.
Friday, October 05, 2007
This last past week has been hell.... there is no other words to describe it... Last week started out good. I met Kent Derricott last Friday night. Many of my friends in Japan know of him. So it was good to see him and he always makes you smile. Then after that I met some people from my company in America. So that was good too. After that pure hell....
Work has been too crazy. I am just tired of the same old routine everyday working long hours and coming home and finding something to eat and then go to bed. Nothing exciting at all. I need something new!!! I just don`t know how the guys in my office live. There is a work ethic that I just can`t seem to catch up with. The other Japanese companies I have worked for were never this bad. My company isn`t even Japanese. Its really from Sweden and thats where our headquarters. But this office here is loaded with old salarymen who think nothing but 100% pure work work work.... Its crazy... I mean no life at all... I heard a new song the other day that I really liked and it pretty much decided what I am feeling... Here are some of the words...
"I wanna feel a car crash"
"I wanna feel a capsize"
"I wanna feel a bomb drop earth stop till I`m satisfied"
"Iwanna feel a car crash cause I am dying on the inside"
This is basically it. I mean nothing going on. I am doing the same thing everyday and nothing is waking me up. I feel completely like some damn zombie just going to work and having no life. Oh well its alright.... time to stop bitching. Just need something to give me a boost...... I guess its time for a jack and coke....hehe
Happy Friday........ :)
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Yesterday (Saturday) I spent the day at a regional English speech contest. I was chosen as the head judge for this contest here in Nagoya. It was a regional championship with the winner going on to Tokyo for the national champion.
It is always interesting going to these speech contests. I remember going as a coach of students many years back. Not much changes. I saw coaches there this time as well. The theme of the speech contest was "family". It was interesting and even very touching to hear high school students give a speech on what family means to them. I heard of a lot of personal stories and the content of all the speeches was absolutely incredible. I was very impressed. Of coarse there was a big difference between students who had coaches and student who didn`t. It was very easy to understand. Some students were over coached. Meaning their gestures and tone of their voice was just too much and was not natural at all. Some of the speeches were more like a theater performance than a speech. Other speeches were maybe very natural but lacked some proper pronunciation or grammar.
Still it is always refreshing to see and here these students. But I am always proud of all the students who challenge a speech contest. No matter the outcome everyone is a winner because everyone studied and learned while getting ready. I really enjoy being involved in these type of activities whether helping a student prepare or judging the students. Its a great atmosphere and even though I am a native speaker, I usually walk away from it learning something.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Finally!! Football season is here. This is always a great time to be home in the United States. Football is an exciting time. I got myself ready though. I bought the whole season of games on Yahoo to watch and also got my satellite so I am completely covered. But one thing... no football food and no football weather. It feels strange to watch a game and its still so hot and humid. I am used to it getting much cooler and dry in Utah. But its ok. The games are on and I am still happy. My team won their opening game in exciting fashion so I am ready for next week. Ahhhhh I have something to look forward to...
Well on another note the US Open was kind of a drag. Roddick lost again. Nothing new. Nadal lost also. Feder won again and the coverage was terrible!!! Next year I need to do something different. wowwow sucks.
I was going to go climb mt. Fuji this weekend. But it looks like rain. So I will put it off. Maybe in two weeks if its good weather. But its so late in the year now I am not sure. But I want to give it a try so I hope the weather is good in a couple weeks. I will go. This weekend just looks terrible. Maybe every weekend for the next month will not be so good. Somebody told me now I can expect more rain. Man it rains too much here!!! But I spent a ton of money and got some gear so I need to get out and use it.
I guess thats it for my sports life right now. I kind of miss my life back in the US. But things are good here too. I look forward to having some free time to get out and do somethings. All work and no play makes todd a dull boy. But hey... Tomorrow is Friday!!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
I have been watching the world track and field championships in Osaka the past week. Very exciting and its really amazing to see what some of these people can do. So that was last week. This week is the US Open. I got the wow wow channel to watch the us open. But really disappointed!!! Only a couple hours of coverage every night. But starts at midnight and not all the matches are shown. I thought there would be more. So I find myself on the internet trying to get all the news. I wish I could find a way to watch online. I will just have to keep looking.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I knew the last week would just fly and itdid.I had a good week back in Utah. An excellent week. I basically dideverything I wanted to do. I played a lot of tennis and ate a lot ofMexican food. Also did some shopping in between. I played some tennis andplayed against my son. I brought him a new raquet and it took him some timeto get used to it. It was an adult size and the strings were a littlestiff. But after about an hour he got used to it and basically started toplay very competitive against me. I lost our final match while I was thereand I played very serious. My serve was of coarse much stronger than hisbut his return is excellent and the power didn`t scare him. I was reallysurprised at how much he (and his hair) has grown. So it was a good weekand Utah was hot hot hot. Hotter than hell. Nagoya is hot and humid whichis terrible. But Utah is just dry heat. Nagoya feels like a steam room andUtah feels like a Sauna. The temp was around 40 degrees everyday andtypical Utah summer with no clouds in the sky at all. Nothing but blue sky.But I was comfortable in my house with central air. Thats another thing. Itwas really nice to be back home. I slept great in my bed and was just socomfortable. I really didn`t want to come back to Nagoya....hehe. It was anice break but way too short. But now I am back in Nagoya and its gettingcomfortable here too. I will never be like my home but its good enough fornow.I got back yesterday and basically was dead all day. Now back to reality....
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Well here I am again in Tsukuba. My home away from home away from home!! I am sitting here in my hotel room watching TV and just relaxing. But without a coke. I have now gone 2 full weeks without a drink. Thats right.... 2 weeks. For me thats like going 2 years without a cigarette for a chain smoker!!! hehe. Anyway, I decided to stop for a couple months to see if I feel any different. The first 4 days was terrible. I had some serious headaches and felt really tired. But I am over that now and feeling fine. So right now I am not really missing it. So lately I have just been drinking water and Aquarius. Bit to be honest I am sure I will be back on the coke shortly. But right now I want to stay off for a while and see what happens and if I feel any different. So no soda at all for a while. It seems like I try to stop drinking coke every couple of years and then start again. This time has been easier. I guess I am getting older.... hmmmm...
Monday, July 23, 2007
I then went to Bic Camera to buy my son an ipod for his birthday. He wanted a video ipod so I went to buy him one. I will see him in a couple weeks during his birthday. So I will take it to the US and give it to him. I then had to get him a new tennis racquet (again!). But back to the ipod. I was so surprised to see how many accessories there are for this thing. I have always wanted one but a couple years ago ended buying a different mp3 player. So I buy this one and bring it back to my house. I start uploading some music, games, and movies on it for my son. When I am finished I started playing with it. I was so impressed. I ended up going back to Bic Camera and buying me one also...hehe. So that was my weekend... kind of funny but I don`t regret buying that at all. I also wanted the new Babolat racquet I bought my son. Its the 4th one I have bought him. He is a serious Nadal fan. He uses Babolat racquest, wears Adidas shoes, and the rest is pure Nike. I heard over the weekend that he is also now growing his hair a little longer like Nadal. So I don`t know. Kind of crazy and he is only 10. But I can`t wait to get in the court with him in a couple weeks and see how good he has become.
Well thats it. I guess I will surf around itunes and see what I can spend more money on.... (dangerous!!)
Monday, July 16, 2007
OK so Saturday night we get a typhoon then today we get an earthquake.... man Japan is a dangerous place to live!!! Then on top of that you have the narrow roads with people driving about 5 times the speed limit and it makes me wonder how Japanese people have such a long life expectancy...hehe. But I guess you throw in the healthy good food and active lifestyle and that pretty much evens everything out. Seriously the rain and wind was going pretty good Saturday night. It kept me up half the night. Then this morning while working we felt the earthquake. Mother nature playing games.... But it seems like there is always something here. I guess thats ok. It keeps life exciting... Tomorrow I am off to Tsukuba for 2 days again so I will see what excitement is waiting for me there.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Well... just one more day and its relax time!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wow its getting hot and wet!!! I am not liking this weather at all!!! I hate humid weather. I guess I am too used to the West Coast. I hear its only going to get worse also. Everyone is telling me Nagoya summers are really hot and wet. Hot?? ok ... but wet?? Thats no good !!
So tonight I am home eating ice cream with my air conditioners going. I am watching Wimbledon live on my computer and watching K-1 on the tv at the same time. So my eyes are really busy... Anyway... Its a great 2 weeks for tennis and I am happy Winbledon is finally here. I am kind of sad because I was planning to go there this year and watch it but ended up getting transferred here to Japan. Its impossible to take time off away from Obon and Shougatsu so I am stuck here!! That sucks but in a couple years when I am finished here I guess I will go. Anyway... its Thursday night and tomorrow is Friday my favorite day!!! So I think I can hang in there for one more day this week!! As long as I don`t melt I will be ok.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
There was some terrible news from Utah I heard this week. An 11 year old boy who was camping with his family was attacked by a bear and killed. He was sleeping in his tent with his family when a bear came in the middle of the night and attacked him. The bear pulled him out of the tent as his family watched and killed the boy. I horrible horrible story. I have a son around the same age. It really made me think and I can`t imagine what the family must be feeling. Just completely horrible. The bear was later tracked down and killed. The tent was a gift to the father from that son for Fathers day. So the family went camping to try out the tent. Such a sad story. I can only hope the family can find some kind of comfort during this time. My son is in Utah but not camping. School is out for him now so he is just going to play tennis everyday and practice. I will see him in August and we will be playing tennis together almost everyday. He said he wants to beat me and I am sure he is working hard to do just that. Even though he is only 10. I can`t play gentle on him. He is very good and ranked. So he takes it very serious. I know he does because I am having to pay a lot of money to keep him going. The kid needs new shoes and rackets about every 3 months. But thats ok. Tennis makes him happy so I will support it and let him try to take it as far as he can go. I wish I was his age again.... But I am at the age where I am just trying to live my dreams through him. So if he needs another new racket its almost like buying me another new racket....hehe
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Well off to bed. Its been a long day and last night was a short night. I got to catch up on my sleep.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Since coming to Japan I have really needed the internet to know whats going on back in the US. Also to keep up on the sports and things during the weekend. So it was strange not to have that connection. But also in a way kind of nice to get away.... Sometimes its good to get away from the cell phone, emails, telephone, and tv and just do something completely different! So in a way it was refreshing.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
So we look outside to see a small car that hit a power pole. The pole fell over on the ground. The car was trying to get away but was caught in some wires. It kept trying and finally was able to get free and got away. I guess the guy in the car thought no one saw him and thought he could get away. BUT.... the problem was he left his bumper with license plate on the street. While he was trying to get away the wires caught on his bumper tore it off. So he got away but his bumper with the license plate was there.
After a few minutes the police and power company came to quickly take care of the damage. The police had the bumper and made some calls. About 30 minutes later we hear some yelling outside the window. Everyone in my office runs over to the window again to see whats going on this time. Well the police had the guy and his car there. They were basically yelling at him asking why he hit the pole and why he was so stupid to run off and leave his bumper. I am glad no one was hurt but it was kind of funny. That was my entertainment for the day. Pretty sad to say. I don`t think I have ever worked in such a quiet office in my life. However, I do remember my Sumitomo days and that office was kind of quiet also. But this one tops the cake. I mean its pretty quiet and basically dull in my opinion. But thats life. Looking back at my office in Utah it was much more different. I guess now that I think sometimes too loud with too much playing going on. I think people should be maybe just a little more serious sometimes. But its good to just get some energy out of the body when your sitting all day. So sometimes small play may be good I don’t know. But I think people generally were happy there. Here is hard to get a smile out of people sometimes. I guess its a matter of people being so mentally involved in their work they can’t smile,,,, or just the culture. I have been drinking with these people here so I know its not their personalities. They generally shine and show their true face the minute they leave the door. But while in the office it’s almost like we never met.... interesting. However, I have learned a lot since being here these few months and glad I am here. I hope to learn a lot more but I just don’t want to kill myself doing it. I need a balance. But all in all good... and as I always say... THE FOOD IS AWSOME!!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I was told last week I need to be staying some nights later. I said thats fine. But whats later?? I already go home around 8:00 (Sometimes 7:00). He told we it doesn`t matter the time just when the job is done... I don`t understand. OK... if the job is done at 8:00pm then it that fine?? He says no. Basically the whole argument was that he wanted me to stay some nights as late as some other employees. Thats like 10 or 11pm. I refused. I said that if the job was done there is no need for me to stay so late and work overtime just because some guys are doing it. Well.. he didn`t understand that either. He has the idea that working 15 hours a day means you are more productive. As an American of coarse I do not have that way of thinking. Working even until 8 is considered late for me...hehe. I mean in the United States we try to get off work at around 6pm. We plan and prioritize the day to be able to do that. I come to this office and its completely different than anything I have ever experienced. I have worked for Japanese companies before and nothing like this. This has got to be the most crazy office I have ever worked in. But its not all Japanese culture. I would say most of it is the management of the office. I don`t say its bad because its not. I just say its different and the thinking seems a little old.
I can sit and complain about this forever. But basically I am here for a couple years and then out. So I will just shut up and work...hehe. But I disagree with the thinking and therefore had an argument. Its funny because the people in the Japan office think the people in the American office do not work very hard. But the people in the American office think the people in the Japan office work just too much but still only get about the same amount of work done. I don`t know who is right or wrong. Of coarse I am American but I am trying to be open minded. However I feel this office needs to stop putting so much emphasis on the total amount of hours worked and just make sure the customer is satisfied. If the customer is happy then thats most important. Working long hours and finding work just to stay long hours makes no sense to me. Anyway, I know a lot of people who disagree and think thats not good enough. My take on that is that as people we need to have a balance in life. For most in my office they have no balance. They work way too much and do not have enough time to grow as individuals. To time to pursue interests and it seems to me its very unhealthy. I would rather have some "Todd Time" and make sure my life is balanced. In the end its just a job and what did we really get out of it??
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I was in Yokohama all day today at a Japanese Business Manner Instructional Class. There were many people from my company there. The class was all day and it taught about all the important manners we must have to do business in Japan. We discussed everything from giving out name cards to where we should sit in a car with a customer. We also practiced speaking very polite business Japanese.
I was the only American there. The rest were Japanese. I only knew maybe 5 people out of the 25 or 30 that was there. It was really tough for me. I have studied the basic Japanese manners and culture of Japanese business. But one thing I have never been good at is speaking polite Japanese business. Everyone in Japan who really knows me will know that I do not speak polite Japanese. Actually I guess sometimes I am too casual with my language and may even be rude. I think many of my friends would agree ... right Mik??? hehe
BUT lately I have been trying to clean up my language. I have been studying and today was very good for me. I did once again realize today just how formal and different the business culture is in Japan compared to the US. The business culture in the US is so casual. Its very comfortable and classes like the one I had today are not needed. But in Japan I can understand even for Japanese how these types of classes are needed. I saw many Japanese people today make many mistakes with the language. So I didn`t feel to bad. I understand I need to be more polite and use better words and expressions..... DAMMIT!!! ... hehe. So I will just keep studying. In the end I hope the people I work with will respect me for my efforts. It was an interesting class. Tomorrow in the office I get to use and practice everything I learned today. I think everyone will think that Todd has gone crazy.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Well I am in Tsukuba again. I come here almost every week. Sometimes I stay the night and sometimes I come and return the same day. Tonight I am staying... This hotel (Okura Epicol) is practically my second home. I have stayed here on and off for the last 7 years. I was here with my previous company.... anyway..
So I am watching the news and see that there has been a shooting in Nagoya. Some guy shot at a cop and then shot his own sons and now is in his house with his wife... CRAZY!!! I am really thinking either Nagoya is much different than anywhere else in Japan I have stayed OR Japan is really changing. Its not the nice quiet peaceful country it used to be. Since living here I have had my car broken into, my neighbors house was broken into, and now a shooting that is only like 10 minutes from my home. So anyway... kind of crazy. Not really that its big news to me. I mean living in California and Utah we get this news often... but for Japan it just kind of surprises me with all the news I hear lately. But its still much safer than the US thats for sure.
Well tomorrow is Friday. I am soooo happy. I just got to hang in there for one more day and then a break!!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
I received my new Rush CD in the mail today. I was really excited to put this in my player. I just finished listening to it..... what can I say??? IT WAS AWSOME!!! I kind of feel like I am back in high school listening to this. This has been my favorite group since I was in 8th grade. So I was really exicted to hear they were putting out a new album. I wish I was back in the states to see them in concert this year. But I may need to schedule a trip anyway.
Well that at least gave me some energy after the golden week hangover. So I guess I will survive another few days. Its funny because I got many emails from my friends saying "hey did you hear?? Rush is putting out another CD!!" So we were all excited together.
Life is good today.
Monday, April 30, 2007
I drove to Hiroshima late Thursday night and spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday there. It was my first time in Hiroshima. I first went to Miyajima and spend about the whole day there walking around and hiking in the hills on the island. It was excellent weather and the scenery was spectacular!! I really loved it there and would like to go back and hike around again.
The following day I went to Kure. This is the city that the famous WWII battle ship Yamato was build. I visited the museum in Kure and learned about the WWII history there. It really surprised me to learn all that happened in that little city during the war. I was very interesting and I was there half the day just looking and reading everything.
After that I went to downtown Hiroshima to the atomic dome, peace park, and the atomic bombing museum. That was incredible and really got me thinking about all that happened. I felt really bad as I read all the stories of children who were killed after the the atomic bomb was dropped. It really was a power museum with a powerful message of peace.
Hiroshima was one of the most beautiful cities I have seen in Japan. I really enjoyed it and in a way kind of felt like Sapporo. The weather was excellent and well worth the 6 hour drive. I want to do it again sometime. You can see some pictures from the slide show.
Well the rest of this week is Golden Week. I am going to stay home and relax and watch some movies. I am soooooooo glad I have this week off. I really need this time off right now.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Sunday nights are my least favorite time of the week. But tonight I don't feel too stressed because at least I know its a little shorter week and next week is a holiday. But I have tons to do before Friday.
I am watching the mens finals of the Monte-Carlo Tennis Championship. Nadal and Federer... Its a great match and Nadal is winning so far so I am happy. He is my favorite player right now. My 2 favorite tennis players are not from the United States. Today I went window shopping at a sports store and looked at tennis stuff. I am kind of bummed because I don't have a lot of time to play while living and working in Japan. On Saturday when I do have time all the courts around here are reserved. So I need to find some tennis buddies who can let me play with them. I will sooner or later.
On a different subject,,,,, I have had a lot of people last week ask me about my feelings on guns. The news about the shootings at Virgina Tech. last week was absolutely terrible. I was shocked as was everyone else. Its a difficult situation. To be honest I do own a few guns. I have not shot a gun in a while but I do own some. Many people own guns for personal protection. I guess that my be why I have some. But really thats a very sad statement. I wish there were no guns. But unfortunately there are. Its impossible to change the laws in the United States. It is a right of freedom for Americans. However, I wish they would make the laws much stricter and do better background checks on people buying guns. Actually I have no ideas on how to solve this problem. The only idea I have is the stop the problem before it happens. That means for parents to be more involved with their kids. For teachers and civic leaders to take quicker action and reach out to those who do show potential problems. But I do believe it starts in the home. Parents need to do a better job teaching children respect, patience, love, and service. I really think those values are being lost. Anway, thats m opinion. Not much of an opinion but its what I believe. My heart really goes out to those families.
Well I better finish watching this match...
Monday, April 16, 2007
By looking at these you can understand I like Moab to play with my 4x4 toys. Every year at this time is the largest 4x4 festival in the US. It is called the Moab Jeep Safari. These pictures do not show all the people or events. Its crazy!! But I like it. The weather is usually nice and the people are crazy. Anyway, I was glad I had a business trip back in Utah during this time.... lucky!!
Its Monday night... I am dead tired. I still haven`t fully recovered from the weekend. So I will go to bed a little early tonight. Sleep sounds so good right now. The only problem is that tomorrow comes too fast. But thats ok because I have a lot to do....
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Well its Easter. Actually Easter is over because it is now past midnight. So Monday morning. I am in Indiana this week on a business trip. This trip was kind of good timing because I got to America last Thursday. I had a meeting in Utah. Then I took my toys and went to Moab Utah for the annual Jeep Safari that I go to. My whole family and some friends were there. So it was really good to see them and the weather was EXCELLENT!!! I got a sun burn!! But now I am in Indiana. I have a meeting here tomorrow and then I drive 5 hours to Kentucky for another important meeting on Tuesday. Then finally I can go back home to Japan on Wednesday morning!!! I am ready to go back. It was hard to say goodbye to my family and friends again. Especially my mom. But life goes on. Anyway, its nice to be here for meetings in English. I don`t have to worry about whether or not I fully understand what is being said. So a nice break from my Japan office anyway. But I will be back there on Friday. Driving to my old office last week I thought about how easy my life was in the US. Everyone goes home at a good time. People seem to really enjoy working and there is a lot of small talk in the office. This would be considered lazy and wrong in my office in Japan. So its tough. I feel like everyone in my Japan office works in a bubble. Not much small talk. Everyone is really quiet and not a lot of joking. So very very different. But I will just hang in there and try not to forget who I am...hehe.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Last night someone broke into my car. I can`t believe it. I came home to find my car had been broken into and my door was open. I checked the inside and nothing was stolen. But some people said they saw 2 people dressed in suites just walk up to my car and pop the door open and look around inside. Well I called the police but they can`t really do anything. They said they would drive around and see if they see anything. But of coarse they won`t. I was told it happens sometimes in this area. This is a nice area with a lot of businessmen living here. So it sounds like these guys always wear suits because there are so many people walking around in suits.
Well thats a first for me. But I am ok. A couple years ago in the United States I had my car stolen. So I guess it could have been worse. The car is fine and no damage. I guess the thieves do not like American rock music because all I had in my car was a bunch of music CDs I brought from the United States when I moved. I actually had a lot of music in my car so I am glad it didn`t get stolen. I wish I was home when they broke in though. I would have seriously ran outside to meet them and give them a nice American greeting. Anyway.... I never thought it would happen in Japan. But I guess it does anywhere. Still I feel very safe here and Japan basically feels much safer than the United States. But I can`t help feel that Japan is not the same Japan I knew when I first came here about 14 years ago. I think its become a little worse. I see graffiti in many areas now. I watch the news and see things I would not expect to. I guess it has changed. But still... much safer I feel than the US. Its a nice country and people are generally friendly and honest. So I really enjoy living here in peace. I just don`t enjoy people breaking into my car.....
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I went to a Japanese professional baseball game today. The Chunichi Dragons vs. the Bay Stars. Score was 5-0 and the Dragons won.
It was a good game and VERY interesting compared to the major league in the United States. A few things I found to be different.
- Japanese fans continue to cheer during the while game. It sounded like there were basically 3 songs or cheers they did. I couldn't`t believe it was during the whole game. In the United States usually its quiet until a big play happens. However, there are songs and cheers we do as well. But its not every minute of the game.... So maybe tonight I am going to still hear these cheers during my sleep.
- Americans drink more beer at baseball games. I saw a lot of beer. BUT the drinks in the US are bigger and it seems people at games in the US drink a lot more beer....hehe.
- The Nagoya dome was really clean!! The last major league game I went to was the New York Yankees last year in August. People eat a lot of peanuts at games in the US. The floor is usually dirty with peanut shells and beer.
- Between innings there really wasn`t a lot going on at the game today. Usually in the US between innings there are songs for the fans and quick competitions for fans on the field. Its fun to watch. But today at Nagoya it was basically just baseball. So while the fans at Nagoya cheer and cheer for their team... I feel that the fans in the US are being more entertained by different things.
Anyway, it was fun and I had a good time. I guess I will go again when I get a chance. I like watching sports. Any sports is almost good for me. I like to watch anything with a ball...hehe.
Well its Sunday night. I do not want to go to work tomorrow. But life goes on. I have to just hang in there. I guess many people feel the same way on Sunday nights...
Good night,
Monday, March 12, 2007
Well its Monday night. Glad to have this day over. Not to bad of a day. Just a little long. I think I am finally getting used to this schedule and starting to understand a little about exactly what I am supposed to be doing here. Its been kind of a rough few weeks. Starting any new responsibility at any new office is tough. Funny thing is that its the same company but the atmosphere at this office is very different than my office in the United States. But I think there are very good things and not so good things about both offices.
Today I had oden for lunch. Its been a long time since I had oden. When I lived in Otaru I used to have oden all the time. It was so good. I decided thats what I will have tomorrow too...hehe... and of coarse a diet coke and some chocolate. No day is complete without chocolate.
Well the day is over... ahhh... time to relax. I would love to have the ball in the video above in my office. I wonder if anyone would notice.... This video is from my favorite tv show called "The Office". I miss that show but will try to watch it online or at least get the DVDs while I am here in Japan. If you have a chance you should check it out. Its a little different than the average tv drama but very interesting. Especially if you work in an office!!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
I have been here in Nagoya for a little over 3 weeks now. My job has been killing me and the business Japanese is really really stressing my out. So I have picked up the books again and decided I needed to take another step up with my Japanese as quick as possible. I am surprised how little English many of my contacts here speak. Even though we all work in a global environment they speak little or very poor English and basically want me to speak Japanese. That is fine. I mean this is Japan so its my responsibility. But when they call the US or Europe its their responsibility. I am just surprised at the low level of English from many people who spend half of their time speaking to people other than Japanese. But its difficult. I completely understand. The hours are killing me too. I think I am basically used to this schedule now. But the first couple of weeks killed me. Some people in my office would just live there all day and night if they could. I think they really want to go home at a good time the office culture and politics puts pressure on them to stay. I saw this at Sumitomo when I worked there. It sucks!
Anyway, I guess I am used it all this now and my schedule isn`t too bad. It could be worse. The food of coarse is good and Nagoya is warm compared to Utah. So thats good. All in all its been good and busy. The last 3 weeks I had to go shopping for furniture, shopping for a car, shopping for things for my house like TV, fridge, computer, sofa, table, heaters, bed, and all these things that are needed to at least be comfortable. So I am finally feeling comfortable now and ready to really settle in and learn as much as I can for the next few years.
Well its Sunday night. The worst time of the week for me. But I got to watch K-1 so my night is complete. I was happy to watch that. Its been a long time.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
So I learned that NTT now can't set up my internet until the end of the month!!! :(
I can not believe it!!! I am unable to check emails at my personal acccount from work. So I need to go to an internet cafe and get caught up. For everyone who has emailed me sorry!!! I am dis-connected!!!
I will have a normal life possibly at the end of next week. I am expecting NTT to finish a couple days early. It seems they had a big campain to get new subcribers here in Nagoya and now are very behind schedule.
Other than that the weather here is much nicer than Salt Lake. Work is crazy trying to get to know everyone and speaking Japanese all day is wearing me out. The more I speak the more I realize I don't know. I need to study my business language more. I know many people studying English who feel the same way. SO LET'S HANG IN THERE TOGETHER!!!!
Well... I am at work.. I found a way to hack into my blog which makes me happy. I can't believe how bad it sucks to not have internet access from home.
I will be getting back to all of you shortly and try to post a message on my homepage.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Well its Saturday night. I have been here for almost a week now. I am still in the Marriott hotel here above the Nagoya Station. Its a very nice hotel. I have stayed here my first week because I have to get my house ready. I had to pick up my car on Monday and there other days I have been shopping everyday. I only brought clothes with me. So I had to buy everything...TV, table, bed, coffee table, carpets, washer, fridge, microwave, rice cooker.... everything!!! I also had to get my internet set up. It will not be ready for another 2 weeks. The US is much much easier to get internet set up and going. I also had to get my skyperfect TV going. I will die over here if I don't get some US news and programs.
So I am about ready to start I think. I start work on Monday. Tomorrow I will check out and go to my new house. I was going to check out this morning but decided since my company is paying the bill I will enjoy one more night and just relax and enjoy the service. So its been good. Tomorrow will be a little different.
It is really warm here compared to Utah. I feel like its May here. I went to my company office a couple days ago to pick up some paper work. My new boss looked at me and said "You must be cold. Why are you wearing a short sleeve t-shirt?" I told him its very warm compared to Utah. His comment was, "mou shogakusei jya nai kara!!". Maybe I really am still just a kid. Anyway a kid at heart! But it is warm here. I am not used the weather yet. Maybe this week I will start to feel cold. But everyday I have been driving to one store and driving to another. I still don't have my cell phone yet. Maybe I will go tomorrow. I just haven't had time yet. I also will get a computer. So I am looking at a good place to maybe find one. I need one asap.
Well thats it. My jet lag is over. I am almost done shopping but still not ready to start my new job. I guess I have no choice. I will mentally get myself ready tomorrow.
Its been an interesting week. I guess I will enjoy my coke and curry now and watch a little tv.
good night ....
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Well I finished my work at my office here in Utah. It was kind of hard to leave. I have really enjoyed working with all my co-workers. So kind of sad for me. I have really been comfortable working and living here in Utah. So I am a little nervous to leave. Also, I am a little nervous to see what happens when I transfer back to Utah. I guess I shouldn't worry about that so much. The biggest concern I have is working back in a Japanese office. Long days and not a lot of small talk. I like to work hard but I also have a life outside work. Many of the people I will be working with in Japan put work before anything. Its a different culture. I work to live not live to work.
Well my company gave me a big going away party with my favorite pizza from "The Pie". We had lots of coke and cake also. I didn't do much work at all. Then yesterday it was my bosses birthday. So since I am leaving we decided to tin foil his office. We waited until he went home then got his office open and wrapped this computer, chair, pictures and other things in tin foil. He was surprised. It was fun. I have NEVER had a better boss. He is the best person I have ever worked with and I will miss him. But look forward to returning and hopefully working with him again. I will still be working with him but from Japan. I also have a new boss in Japan which will be a little difficult I think. But thats life. It will be a good experience.
Here is a picture of him and his office.
Well I guess I need to finish packing. Tomorrow I have to wash all my cars and make sure my house is clean and locked up before I go. Its a little sad to leave this comfortable place but I will be back sometime. I think the next few years will just fly by. I do look forward to good food and meeting lots of new people. It should be a good experience.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Tonight is Friday night. I am watching a basketball game and the Austrailian Open Womens final on tv at the same time. Its a busy night for sports on TV. So I have my coke and popcorn and just relaxing. Tomorrow I have a lot to do to prepare my house to leave. I had all my clothes and things sent yesterday to my new place in Nagoya. I only have a couple days left in this office and I am gone. I feel a little lonely and nervous about this whole thing. I guess the working environment scares me the most. Our office here in Utah is really laid back. But the offices in Japan are very different. Still, it will be a good experience and I am looking forward to it.
Well.... what can I say....?? I love Friday nights!!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
It's Sunday night. My most unfavorite part of the week. But tonight is worse than other Sunday nights. My body is soooo sore!! Yesterday I had some ski patrol tests to get a higher certification. It was a killer. I had some ski tests and then some patient assessment tests. It took almost all day. Then at the end of the day I had to hike from the bottom to the top of the hill at the ski resort. I had to do this with my skis one. It was a killer and took me a couple hours.
Today my legs and arms are so sore. I can't even move. I have basically just relaxed all day unable to move. I soaked in my tub for a while too. But... I passed and thats the main thing. So I am glad thats over. I wanted to get this upper certification completed before I move to Japan. So I accomplished my goal and that feels good.
Well next week is basically my last week at work here in the US. Then off to Japan. I am really not looking forward to the long hours I will have to work while living in Nagoya. But thats life. For now I just hope that Monday is not a Sore Monday!!!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Back from the North American AutoShow:
Well I got back last night from the North American Auto Show in Detroit. It was a busy trip but interesting and always fun to see the latest cars and trucks from all the makers.
I had a scary experience though. My first night I arrived I decided to walk about 2 blocks away from the Hotel to the restaurant. It was dark and while I was walked a car pulled along side of me and turn out its lights. A black guy opened the window and asked if I needed a ride. I said no I was just going to a nearby restaurant. He then asked me what I was doing. I told him I was ok and just walking. He then screamed at me "Get in my car!!". I couldn't believe it. My heart was pounding. I thought, "here we go". "I might have a problem". I thought I would have to fight this guy but I was scared thinking he would have a gun. He screamed at me again "Get in my car". I yelled and told him I was fine and then started walking back to the hotel. He backed up in his car and followed me. I ran across the street and started running to the hotel. He yelled at me again then he left. It was a little scary. I thought "Todd you are so damn stupid!!! This is Detroit!!" I think I have pretty good street smarts. But I should have just drove to the restaurant. Anyway, I got in my car and drove the two blocks. I felt I was a little lucky.
The show was good. I was busy with customers and colleagues. Below are a few pics I took.
New Audi R8

I liked the Audi and the Jeep. I bought a new jeep a couple years ago but after seeing the new 4 door Wrangler I think I want to trade it in. But that will have to wait until I get back from Japan in a few years.....
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Well the New Years is over. Its back to work. I have been back for a few days. Not too busy yet. But I know everything will start to become busy real soon. I had a good quiet New Years. I just watched some movies and relaxed. Really nothing special. I went to a lot of movies during the holidays. I think I saw maybe 5 or 6 movies. A few I really liked were "Casino Royale" (new James Bond), "Pursuit of Happiness" and "Rocky Balboa" (The new and last Rocky movie). These were my top favorites. But my favorite from these 3 is the Pursuit of Happiness. A great story and Will Smith and his real son was excellent in this show.
I have almost finished packing up my stuff to ship over to Japan. I can't believe the time is almost here. I have already said goodbye to my parents. They left for Mexico. They already had reservations and could not change them so we said goodbye. It was hard on my Mother of coarse. But it looks like they will be coming to Japan to visit me so that will be fun. I will also be returning back here once every couple months for business so its not too bad. Still working back in Japan makes me nervous. The business and working culture is very very different. But hey the food is excellent!!!!!! hehe....
Well... I guess its off to work... another day another dollar.