The French Open is over and wow it was interesting. I wasn`t able to watch as much as I wanted this year. But interesting that Nadal lost and I think he had a bad day. Lucky for Federer because I think its the only way he would have won it with Nadal in the tournament. So it was good he won and we didn`t have to watch him cry like he did after the Austrailan Open. People are now saying he is the best player ever. Maybe so. But I am not a huge fan. I went to the US Open and he came out in a gold sport jacket. I thought then that the success has gone to his head. He thinks of himself as the god of tennis. Oh well... now we can get ready for Wimbledon.
Well the rainy season has started in Japan. This means we have a month now of bad weather. Then when thats over we have 2 months of hellish hot and sticky weather which I hate. So now I just look forward to October. I had Nagoya summers. But I did see something new this summer. Diet Coke plus Green Tea.

Well I had to try it and guess what it tasts like??? ................ Diet Coke and Green Tea. Thats exactly what it tasts like. Not too sure if I like it. But interesting. Coke will try anything. There is coke coffe in the U.S. But my favorite is Coke Lime. I love it.
Well June is here and its warm. Guess I need another coke.
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