Tuesday, January 01, 2013


2012 is history. On to 2013. I can't believe another year is past. I am sure most of us are saying this!!

Its been a good year but too busy for me. So for next year a couple of things I am going to do.

1- take more time off and enjoy life...
2- connect with old friends...

These are the 2 things I am going to do this year!! As for taking time off..... I already have some big travel plans this year I am looking forward to.

So the holidays here in the states are over. I am back to work tomorrow....ugh!! But I am refreshed and I guess ready to go. Today is new years day. I will not have traditional Japanese new years foods... but I will have traditional Todd's new years foods...

Diet Coke and my favorite cookies from Denmark!!! So today I will be drinking and eating these while watching some football... I guess its pretty boring compared to my friends in Japan but this is all I have!!! Still good enough.

Well I hope everyone has a peaceful new years. Let's get together in 2013!!

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