Thursday, March 27, 2008

Well I am starting to see less and less of my beloved diet coke and more and more of coke zero. Its almost impossible now to find a diet coke at a convience store these days. They have all switched over to coke zero. I don`t mind coke zero but I am addicted to diet coke now... So the days are getting dull and I start asking myself where is my coke??!!

Its almost impossible to get by these days without a coke. I can`t believe it. But I guess its no different than coffee. But yea not good for you thats for sure. Still..... its my comfort food. I think most people have a food they consider their comfort food. I guess mine is diet coke and chocolate.... hmmm......hehe.

So while I now drink my coke zero at least the weather is warming up and the cherry blossoms are out. I am going back to the United States in 2 weeks for some business. So I will have at least a week of drinking a fountain diet coke...... wow I really miss that.... I know it sounds crazy. So coke and mexican food.... as much as I can get while there!!

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