Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday night....

I hate Sunday nights. I am not sure of how many people actually like Sunday nights. There was a time in my life when I didn`t mind it. But now due to the stress of my job I just hate Sundays starting around 5pm..... Thats about when I start thinking about Monday..... and I HATE MONDAYS!!!! But such is life I guess. My summer break is only about 3 weeks away so I guess I can survive. But really I need a break quick.

I found this video below which basically describes how I feel sometimes. But to be honest, I really like my company and I love what I do. I love living in Japan and its going really good for me. I don`t like the Japanese work live balance. I don`t believe there is any balance. I do miss my hobbies and the free time to also enjoy my life. But this schedule isn`t forever I guess. I am just happy to be doing what I am doing and hopefully I can get a little better balance between my personal life and work life. But unfortunately I think that will never happen in Japan. At least I have become used to this schedule. Besides... the food is awsome here!!!! hehe...

Bad Day At The Office - Watch more Funny Videos

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